Ok Yeah I am on spring break. I hope to have the new site up in the next 2 weeks
so be ready for a new site :D
Hey Everyone sorry for not really updating. Happy late birthday to Anna. lol I
had an Anna layout up for a few days =D. well today there was a chat with Janet I would like to say Thanks soooooo much to
Kyle -- www.playfanhangout.com for setting it up And to Janet for joining us. You Both Rock! I added the Chat to interviews or if you
just want to see the Questions she Answered go to Crazy. So go take a look =D and also if you did not know plays-place
is going to be moveing soon ;) to www.playsworld.com/playsplace :)
2-12-05 ( updated by Tate )
Hey All, val was
kind enough to let me be a co-webbie ( thnx val ). intill my other site is ready. I also added a new
-added- new interveiw
I added affiliates so if you would like to be one
e-mail me! nothing really new I am working on a new layout.
OK I added some RARE PICS of Anna thank you
Anna;) go take a look ;) hope you guys like them. I will be moving to playsworld.com/playsplace soon I hope this month so
be ready for that ;) have a good day
Ok well I found out lailas middle name so go check out on her page under info ;) and
I hope you like the new main sign and enter sign.
Hey sorry for no Updates but there is really nothing going on with the girls right now.
OK well I was looking around on line and I found an interview that someone did with Fanny (Faye) on March 15th 2004 I was
like wow soooo cool! so go look at interviews to read it!
Merry Christmas Everyone :) well I updated the win page I listed the winners ;) I also added more Anais
shoes under the style page.
12/19/04( 8:42pm)
I added Anais shoes to they style page
OK Everyone Contest time! I am giving
away 3 play CD's PATCT! Check it out on the WIN! page for more info on how you could win a copy.Thanks clay!The play chat yesterday was bad but the second one was great thanks brad it was a blast! GO check out Crazy
for facts I got out of the chat yesterday !
This Saterday there will be a chat at www.playsworld.com at (time zones--) 4:00pm
Eastern 3:00pm Central 2:00pm Mountain 1:00pm Pacific
There is a new interview up at Kriselen.com here:
I changed the them on the site hope you like it
(Credit for pics on layout go to hotvibes (go to links for to look at the hotvibe site)
I also Added a forum so you can talk about play on there---SOTM so go check it out ;)
Join the Play Eteam!
Email Drew at drew@gigantemedia.com and he will give you your assignments. We need to make sure that the album is reviewed in all the
places that it matters as well as we need to start requesting it at places that it can get PLAYED! If you come back
with the most postings of anyone by Christmas Eve - You will get a phone call from one of the girls in the new year to
say thanks! REALLY! So if you are interested in helping out AND interested in getting a phone call from
one of them email Drew now!
I added another vote for my site link (I made it so add your play site) I also updated
some of the contest ;) and I will add some names to the winners to the list if I did not put your name and you won let me
know I will add you !
Later-- I moved Emilys info to her own page :) and I hope to change the them so
come back soon!
I took off make a group becuase no one entered it sorry if I get
a lot of e-mail about it I will put it up again! well I added a News page you can find news about play there I added a few
things there and also to audio links from the new Christmas CD thanks Clay,
the online promoter for Play Around the Christmas Tree for this info.
I added another vote for my site thing so please vote for plays place! thank you sooooooo much!
(Later 8:20)
I added Rosies shoes to
-----Hay! I`m the new Co-webby! (Emily!) lol....
I put myself on the **Me** page :D.... So please cheack that out! :D
----Ok Well I know alot of you
wanted to know why play is not with Columbia anymore well here is what I found out ---Play has moved within the Sony/BMG group
to sanctuary records, and a new official site will be up soon! ----I got this info from Playsworlsd.com thanks Brad I
also E-mail Lisa and she said she did not knowwhy they swithched! also I would like ot make a page for Laila her birthday
is coming soon and with out her there would be no PLAY! so send stuff for that to Rosiefan4life@yahoo.com and also if you would like to donate anything send it there too ;)!
Well today I added 2 more people
to Other fans under For you! thats it for Today!
thanksgiving to all I hope it was great! well I fixed up the site a bit as you can tell I added an update page! I added a
contest its under the contest page its called start a group check it out I hope you enter it!