Here is some information Lisa from
Play-mania found out about Laila -- Laila Bagge received her education at the Musical Artiste Program in Gothenburg,
she has danced with Dr Alban and participated in the musicals West Side Story and My Boyfriend.
Important Information
---Laila is always looking for new artists, boys and girls from ages 11-24. If you would like Laila to listen to you, you
can send her a regular videotape of you singing live [it can be done with an ordinary video camera] taped at your house, or
wherever - the music needs to be singback version, you have to be singing lead, it can have background vocals, but not lead
like karaoke. And also send her a photo of yourself. Here is Laila's office address in which you can send her your demo and
Laila Bagge Lb management
18452 österskär
Fun Facts
Laila has a few CDs of her own! :)
Her birthday is December 15th.