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Name: Janet Ava Leon
Age: 13

Birthday: October 19th 1990
From: Gothenburg, Sweden
Siblings: Only child
Favorite Subject: Math
Favorite Color: Baby blue
Was officially a member of Play: October 2003
Interests: Singing & dancing, music, theatre and soccer
Age she started performing: 7 years old
Known PLAY through: Anaïs

Fun Facts: Janet is Iranian. She's also a Christian. Her parents are both from Iran and lived in Sweden for 20 years and they lived in the US for 2 years.. Janet lived in Sweden all her life.

Started playing the violin when she was 4 years old.. but stopped when she was 8, cuz she got tired of it and didn't think it was fun anymore!

When Janet was 12 she was in a band called Walking Spanish .. it was 2 girls and 2 boys, and they played at festivals and restaurants. You can see a pic of Janet in Walking Spanish, at www.Play-mania.com

She started dancing when she was 6. She did samba, hip-hop, ballet, cha-cha, belly dancing and some more!!

Janet HATES tomatoes! LOL


Here are just some random questions I had asked Janet, and she was nice enough to answer them for us! :) Thank you Janet!

Whats your fave movie? Meet the parents
Whats your fave book to read? The art of happiness by Dalai Lama and Howard C. Cutler
Whats your fave food? Tacos
Whats your fave ice cream flavor? Vanilla Haägen Daaz
Do you have a fave song off the old PLAY CDs? 11 out of 10, I love that song.
Whats your fave type of music? I dont really hve a favorit type, I listen to everything:)
Fave song on the radio right now? D12's new song, My band.
Do you have a personal quote? There can be miracles when you believe.
Can you tell us a song you performed w/ your old band 'Walking Spanish'? We mostly did our own songs, but one of the song we did was done by Janis Joplin, called Move over.

Fun Stuff--this chat was done (Sat Mar 05 14:50:54 MST 2005)


~do u miss your rock band in sweden-walking spanish?

Janet~ oh, I still play with them sometimes!


~Is your fav color still baby blue?

Janet~its still baby blue:) and pink!!



~Kool soo janet we both r in 8th grade wht r u studying?

Janet~ The same as everyone else :)


~What is your dads name everyone knows you moms but not your dads ;)

Janet~his name is Hosi



~is anna cute and crazy?

Janet~shes hilarious~~~ Anna and I made a dance routine for a song which i cant say, that was really funny!


~is rosie really sweet?

Janet~rosie is sweet!~~~ We always talk about deep stuff.



~what is Anaïs like?

Janet~soooo fun~~~ I love hanging out with her~~shes awesome we always watch diesney together.


~have you meet Faye?



~what is the best experance you have had well in play?

Janet~Just performing and meeting all the fans!



~r u having the time of your life? have u enjoyed being in play?



got something to add send it to rosiefan4life@yahoo.com

Thank's to www.play-mania.com for these Bios