Anna Sundstrand
Anna Sundstrand was born on Febuary 22nd 1989.
She's related to legendary actress, Greta Garbo! The other girls of Play always describe Anna as "The Cute One", because she
has always been the youngest in the group - but she's not the youngest anymore! :) Here are more facts about Anna!
Anna Maria Carolina Sundstrand(15)
Birthday: February 22 1989
Sibs: 1 big brother
Hair color: Dirty blonde/blonde
Eyes: Blue
Favorite Color: Blue
Pets: Don't have any!
Favorite Artist: Janet Jackson
Favorite food: Chinese Food
Favorite ice cream: Sorbet
Favorite word or phrase: "Everything's gonna
be ok!"
What time does your alarm clock go off?: 8am
Favorite subject in school: Swedish
What do you do when you're bored: Play on the
Favorite clothes: Printed tops and pants. I
love colors!
What's your biggest fear?: War and not being
with my family
If you could be any animal, what kind of animal
would you be?: A Dolphin
Pet/Favorite animal: Horse
Crush: Justin Timberlake
Favorite Song: Survivor
Favorite Movie: Charlie's Angels
Favorite book: The First Prince
Favorite TV Show: Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Favorite Clothing Accessory: Glasses, Rings
Favorite Make-up Accessory/color: Natural look,
pink lipgloss
Hobbies: Dance/Ride Horses
Favorite Cause/Important Issue: Homeless Children
Biggest Influence in Life: Mother
Embarrassing moment: "One time I was in a toystore,
and by accident I knocked the shelf down with all the toys. I just wanted to disappear."